Are Gas Prices Getting You Down?

Are gas prices still bothering you?  Since we have been over the $3.00 mark for what seems like forever, I was wondering if you are still concerned every time you fill up your gas tank, like I am!  As a matter of fact, as I filled up my gas tank, at $3.96/gal, last night I did a little mental math calculation seeing how many hours I have to work to pay for that one tank of gas that will hopefully last me a week!  YIKES!  That is not the best thing I should have done, as it was depressing for me.  So, to make myself feel better, I did a little research and here is what I found out.

The average gallon of regular gas in Washington costs $4.11 and in Oregon $4.08.  Now that in itself did not make me feel any better, but then I saw California prices at $4.61 average and I felt a little better.  Not better enough to stop looking, but I was feeling a little better.  Then I found this article on and I am feeling a little better knowing that I am not paying $10.12 a gallon like they are in Norway.  That same 17 gallons would have cost me $172.04!  Yikes!  They pay $9.41 in Turkey, $9.28 in Israel, Denmark pays $8.20, Greece pays $7.92 and Japan and South Korea pay essentially the same at $7.15 & $7.12.  Yep!  I am feeling much better!

Of course, I would always feel a little better if I could fill up in the United Arab Emirates at $1.89/gal or Kuwait at $0.89!  Yep, that would be wonderful!  Blissful!  But nothing would make me happier that filling up in Venezuela at $0.09/gallon.  It almost makes me want to move.  Almost! 

So, as you go about your weekend, be thankful for the prices we do have BECAUSE it could always be worse!

Your friends at Pino Insurance Agency!

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