Watch a Disney Movie with the Family!

I trust you all had a wonderful and uneventful Fourth of July.  My family and I spent the day at a friend’s mini-farm with good food, fun games, great conversations, and beautiful fireworks.

Today is Disney Animation Appreciation Day!  I am not sure about you, but animated Disney movies have many fond memories for me and now my children.  I can recall each child’s favorite movie by the one they watched over and over and over again.

My oldest son loved LOVED “Lady and the Tramp”.  Once I got tired of that one he moved onto “101 Dalmatians”.  He would ask each and every day for the ‘doggie movie’.

My daughter chose something a little more girlie.  “The Little Mermaid” was among her favorite movies.  She would occasionally watch “Cinderella” and “The Princess and the Frog”.

My now five year old son prefers variety though I think that he prefers the ones with the most action.  He really likes “The Incredibles”.

My youngest is three and he loves “The Lion King”.  It has now gotten to the point that when it is his turn to pick out a movie it is usually followed by the statement, ‘Not “The Lion King”’.

So as I heard about appreciating animation by Disney, it reminded me of the movies that I grew up with.  There are so many great Disney movies that it is hard to pick just one that I love the most.  So, I will just appreciate all my Disney movies!

This may be a great reason to slow down this evening, pop some popcorn and sit with the family and watch your Disney movie of choice!  For us, if I have anything to do with the decision, it will be “Beauty of the Beast”!


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